The national tsunami of entitlement has yet to come crashing down on the Obama White House. When it does, when all of this so-called "Economic Stimulus" package is found to be an empty barrel bereft of pork cracklin's, already ravaged by a pecadillo congress, there will be riots in the streets.
THAT, beloved, is just the American scene....only fifty days into the brave new world of Obama's hope and change.
International Policy
and the Pitiable Lackey
Camille Paglia, the sharp witted pundit and no friend of Obama's foreign policy wrote a scathing editorial over at http://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2009/03/11/mercury/index.html
Wherein, she likens the Obama presidency to the papacy of Leo the tenth. Whose childish reign led the Holy Roman Empire to destruction and caused to rise, the Great Reformation. Her prophetic words are not to be taken lightly!
Obama's treatment of the British Prime Minister and his family has already been treated with international scorn.
Mexico is awash in civil war between huge drug cartels. Already the fighting is spilling over the border as the once emperious and unchallenged Sinaloan Cartel is in a bloody struggle for power with the smaller Chihuahuan, Gold and Sonoran Cartels:
Oh beloved, further south there are plentious nasties that have their own Napoleonic thoughts about Los Nortenos... I believe these two pictures will suffice:
Now, as this pitiful scenario continues to unfold and the Obama administration marches on towards that dominant liberal media all hallowed day, whence they look back at the "First Hundred Days" ........What will they see and report to a stunned American populace?
NO, not pitiable or pathetic, as both require a sentiment that shows some measure of sympathy or compassion. For this man, his administration and the people who have destroyed the American electoral process to place him in power, I have only scorn.
Shakespeare penned a short soliloquy in the first act of Henry V, whence the French Dauphin sent a response to Henry concerning his claim to the throne of France. The French embassy presents him with a set of tennis balls.
Henry's response to the French embassy is my response to this Chicago thug, poseur and man-child who pretends to walk in the shadow of great men, likened to Reagan and Lincoln. That in itself is worthy only of scorn.
I leave you with Henry's response:
" But I will rise there with so full a glory
That I will dazzle all the eyes of France,
Yea, strike the Dauphin blind to look on us.
And tell the pleasant prince this mock of his
Hath turn'd his balls to gun-stones; and his soul
Shall stand sore charged for the wasteful vengeance
That shall fly with them: for many a thousand widows
Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands;
Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down;
And some are yet ungotten and unborn
That shall have cause to curse the Dauphin's scorn.
But this lies all within the will of God,
To whom I do appeal; and in whose name
Tell you the Dauphin I am coming on,
To venge me as I may and to put forth
My rightful hand in a well-hallow'd cause.
So get you hence in peace; and tell the Dauphin
His jest will savour but of shallow wit,
When thousands weep more than did laugh at it."