14 February 2009


The Clinton Revision
"What We Have Here,
is a Failure to Communicate..."

The first indicator that the CEO of the USSA, Barack Hussein Obama's campaign mantra of HOPE and CHANGE was and is nothing more than empty words from an empty suit is when he named former Clinton Advisor, Rahm Emanuel as his White House Chief of Staff.

Since that point in time, BHO has stumbled and fumbled his way into recreating the Clinton Administration for a brand new century. The only variants are:

1) BHO is not the philandering womanizer that Willy Jeff was and is. He is a kept man. His manhood is held in a lockbox jealously guarded by his harpy wife.

2) BHO does not have the thick skinned ego and blustering defense mechanism of Willy Jeff, nor does he have the huckster's smile and skills to skate through the foulest quagmires.

3) Instead of a subtle manipulation of people and situations to suit the Clinton's own agenda, BHO seems to truly believe the fawning, pedantic media rhetoric which has elevated him from a lowly Chicago community organizer (read: Welfare State Recruiter) to the highest office in the land.

BHO believes that he is the agent of change to turn United States of America from a representative republic based on democratic ideals into a socialist state on the level of post-modern Western Europe.

Given the current economic disasters, our continued dependence on foreign energy supplies and the constrictive control that the legislative branch now wields over all sectors of the business community, BHO is leading this country and its stunned citizenry down a road towards a socialist state never envisioned by our founders.

Obama has been called another Carter. He is not. BHO is worse than James Earl Carter ever could have imagined.


He is an untouchable being. He is the messiah. He is the standard bearer of all that is good for this country and the whole civilized world. That is what the dominant liberal media has been saying for over two years. They have invested their whole purpose for existance in making this leftist puppet the long awaited Socialist Gospel, Liberation Theology "Black Messiah!" He is "The One"...and can do no wrong. Race is his trump card and a Socialist America his goal.

I have pulled a few images from the web....I let them speak for what they are, the glorification of a manchild, a quixotic figure raised to tilt at the percieved demonic windmills of free, unfettered enterprise and American exceptionalism. He is, after all, Barak Hussein Obama.

And finally....one tongue in cheek poke at the manchild made messiah:

12 February 2009

The Warrior's Call

Where Do We Go From Here?

Current CEO of the Federal Socialist Bureacracy
of the United States of America


There are seasons in life, in politics, in the world and in our hearts, our muscles and guts. That is what the book of Ecclesiastes speaks. It calls as clearly today as it did back when Israel was nothing more than a wandering band of miscreants chosen by God to be his people, his spokesmen in this broken world.

We are their heirs.

Those of us who live in the United States of America, we who are conscious (and conscientious) citizens, raised to be responsible for our selves, our actions and our country; we stand at a crossroads.

We who do not take our rights and privileges as entitlements, but look at them as constitutional mandates to be cherished and protected, we are under attack from within our own governance and within our own educational institutions.

We who know that compassion comes with a strong hand and heart, and not always with gentleness of voice or action. We are walking a postmodernist political knife edge. The attack against us is a multifaceted jewel, forged in the Sino-Soviet Socialist furnace for the last hundred plus years.

At this point in history, the gimbal swings and sways. The rolling ship of state tumbles and groans under poorly educated, untrained and unrestrained hands, minds and hearts. The weak and fearful cry out for mercy and whine for help. They look to a government solution....man-made, quick and in the now.

We who have worked and won, worked and lost....loved and won, loved and lost and stood up strong in God's grace to fight again, we know better. We stand, like seasoned sailors on a rolling deck in a raging sea. We ride, like redneck cavalry over prairie sands. We are called to match the enemy within and overcome him with the tools, skills and training we own because we have not given up, nor will we recind our freedom lightly, to any man or policy.

The history to which we are heirs is our birthright and our fighting call. If the America which so many have given their lives and family... from Concord Bridge and Valley Forge to the ragged canyons of the Afghan highlands and the acrid deserts of Iraq....if this country is to survive, we must ready ourselves and our families. We must ready our lives as servants, and if need be, martyrs to the cause of freedom.

There is a long, black granite wall in our nation's capitol. Each of the 58,195 names engraved on that granite belong to us as a nation. They belong to God. Their lives and the lives and blood and sacrifices of so many who served and died before them, to defend and protect our freedom must not be forborn, forgotten or bitterly defiled.
That, beloved, is where we stand. History will not recall nor memory stand for one of us. Yet together, we can change this place...stop the seeming overwhelming weight driving us into object oblivion as a nation.

We are America.

We are called to be the hope and active agents of true change. That hope and change which is not born in the dark, smoke filled, whiskey charged back rooms of Chicago's South Side politicos....nor the smarmy, wicked and ugly, money grubbing halls of Congress....nor the sweaty, steamy, drug glutted, homometrosexual brothels and dance halls where painted patrons couple with their latest conquest who has no name, no spirit or soul. Nor is it born in the festering halls of postmodern Academia where Socialist/Trotskyite/Communist professors hold court, innoculate the coming generation with the venemous and vile hatred of all things that are truly American.

This man is not the heart of America.

These are not the heart of America.

(Demonstrators arrested for destruction of private property

during the 2008 May Day Protest in Olympia, Washington.)

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. "

~ Ronald Reagan

We are given this time and we must choose. We, beloved, must choose to fight and sacrifice and possibly give our own blood to feed that great Oak of Liberty lest it wither and die under the rising tide of Socialist, Racist, Neo-Fascism which is the governance and yoke under which we now live.

- Like the frog placed in a pot of water, and the heat slowly rose until the frog died, boiled in its own kinetic incontinent sonombulance, we will perish unless we take action NOW!

Fight and write. Call and holler. Withold taxes and use the courts to stymie, suspend and constrict the overbearing wall of regulatory mayhem washing down upon us from that place supposed to be the seat of freedom and opportunity....our corrupt and vapid capitol.

Arm yourselves with knowledge, empower yourselves with the law and the rights guarenteed you. Speak your mind with clarity and hold back no caution. This is the time for rigorous, logical debate and for strength in word and deed.

Stand at the ready, armed and clear to misbehave at the whim of him who called us here.

This is the time....as Walt Disney, in unknown irony prophesied.... A time for us to stand forth:

"We, the leaders of

the 21st Century."