The first indicator that the CEO of the USSA, Barack Hussein Obama's campaign mantra of HOPE and CHANGE was and is nothing more than empty words from an empty suit is when he named former Clinton Advisor, Rahm Emanuel as his White House Chief of Staff.
Since that point in time, BHO has stumbled and fumbled his way into recreating the Clinton Administration for a brand new century. The only variants are:
1) BHO is not the philandering womanizer that Willy Jeff was and is. He is a kept man. His manhood is held in a lockbox jealously guarded by his harpy wife.
2) BHO does not have the thick skinned ego and blustering defense mechanism of Willy Jeff, nor does he have the huckster's smile and skills to skate through the foulest quagmires.
3) Instead of a subtle manipulation of people and situations to suit the Clinton's own agenda, BHO seems to truly believe the fawning, pedantic media rhetoric which has elevated him from a lowly Chicago community organizer (read: Welfare State Recruiter) to the highest office in the land.
BHO believes that he is the agent of change to turn United States of America from a representative republic based on democratic ideals into a socialist state on the level of post-modern Western Europe.
Given the current economic disasters, our continued dependence on foreign energy supplies and the constrictive control that the legislative branch now wields over all sectors of the business community, BHO is leading this country and its stunned citizenry down a road towards a socialist state never envisioned by our founders.
Obama has been called another Carter. He is not. BHO is worse than James Earl Carter ever could have imagined.
He is an untouchable being. He is the messiah. He is the standard bearer of all that is good for this country and the whole civilized world. That is what the dominant liberal media has been saying for over two years. They have invested their whole purpose for existance in making this leftist puppet the long awaited Socialist Gospel, Liberation Theology "Black Messiah!" He is "The One"...and can do no wrong. Race is his trump card and a Socialist America his goal.
I have pulled a few images from the web....I let them speak for what they are, the glorification of a manchild, a quixotic figure raised to tilt at the percieved demonic windmills of free, unfettered enterprise and American exceptionalism. He is, after all, Barak Hussein Obama.
And finally....one tongue in cheek poke at the manchild made messiah:
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