The Monkey Butt Chronicles
The Absence of
Critical Thought
Reasoned Debate
It is my belief that the United States of America has come to a crucial juncture. With the election, whether stolen by illegal subterfuge and unethical voter registration or simple, blatant ballot box fixing and heavy handed voter intimidation;
Whether Barrack Hussein Obama won the election by manipulating the dominant liberal media and conversely was manipulated by the same media, it matters little.
The fact is that we will be watching the first man of contemporary African-American heritage to take his place as a the President and Chief Executive, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Titular Head of the (arguably) greatest economic power in the Post-Modern world.
Please read closely and disgest the following:
- The fact is that we will be watching the installation of a man who has come to power with a large carpet bag filled with unaswered personal legal baggage, his citizenship and country of birth.
- The fact that his initial "election" to the Illinois legislature is shadowed by subsantiated voter fraud.
- His political/moral/ethical background is riddled with long standing relationships which are antithetical to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.They have never been publically addressed by Mr. Obama in a forum where he has been required to answer to these relationships.
- His twenty-year relationship with the the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and the Socialist based, racist, Black Liberation Theology movement, has never been publically and directly addressed by Mr. Obama.
- His covert support by the Black Muslim leader, Louis Farahkan , who has been supported by the above mentioned Reverend Wright, and is an outgrowth of the homegrown, terrorist Black Panthers has never been publically and directly addressed by Mr. Obama.
- His long-standing relationship with the avowed homegrown terrorist-turned-indoctrinator/"educator", William Ayers and his association with the terrorist t "Weather Underground" has never been publically and directly addressed by Mr. Obama.
These are pointed questions which have not been answered. They have been met with outrageous cries of "racism" and "bigotry" and "fascism".
The dominant liberal media are the ones who have trumpeted these calls against the conservatives, the strict constitutionalists, the traditionalists who believe in the foundation of this land as it was forged by the blood and tears of the founders of this land.
We are being told they were sub-human, fat-cat, white-bread, elitist prigs. The end product of generation upon generation of European Christians Colonialists who raped, pillaged and plundered the natural world, infiltrating and riping the heart out of the "real" world.
WHEN....In truth and in fact they were hard working men, shop owners, merchants and engineers who gave their lives, their own blood and, sometimes, their families as sacrifice to this God given ideal we call America.
WHEN...in truth and in fact, Barrack Hussein Obama's rise to power is a collegial level "How To" text on the destruction of American Republican Democracy based in the traditions of Ultra-Leftwing Socialist Facism. They attempt to equate us to Hitler. Again, in truth and in fact their policy and function is based in the same philisophical foundation which is based in the writings and teachings of Karl Marx, Frederich Engles, Adolf Hitler and Mao Tse Tung.
He and his cohort of rabid socialists, led by the likes of George Soros, the esteemed Senator's: Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, Congressional members: Nancy Pelosi, John Salazar, Mark Udall, have, with the concerted help of the dominant liberal media, have orchestrated this election.
What proof do I provide?
As an American Citizen, I stand and and require the Junior Senator, Barrack Hussein Obama to provide evidentiary proof that he is an American citizen. I require that he stand in a public forum and answer to the questions of his history as a socialist, a consort and supporter of the Muslim faith that would destroy this land.
As an American Citizen....I DEMAND, under the mandates stated in the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights, that he rise up and answer the above questions before he is allowed to take the oath of office as the President of the United States of America.
If he chooses not to respond and answer the above questions. Iand my patriot bretheren will pursue every legal means given to us, as legal, voting age adults, without conviction of felony or misdemeanor, within the constraints of current law....the impeachment and removal of this Illegal Alien, Islamo-Fascist, Pretender to the Presidency of the United States of America.
Therefore, take off the gloves and let the fight begin.