Two weeks ago, as I was taking down the Summer screens and replacing them with the Winter storm windows, this thought kept rolling about in my head:
- "Where is the next, unexpected terrorist or pirate strike likely to occur?"
It seemed inevitable, given the low key, Afro-Muslim, Somali Pirate activity taking place in the Gulf of Aden, with minor reprecussions from the Free World community.
I mused as the sweet Autumn aires whispered about, reminding me that this Winter will soon grip the high plains. Yeah, I know. These eastern African states are all kin to Kenya...Home of Barrack Hussein Obama's father's family.
Then, sadly, the whole thought fell away... While the Pretender to the Socialist Throne of the People's Republic of America named yet another group of Clintonistas to his team, it happened.
Then on the 26th of November, it happened:
Muslim terrorists have attacked Westerners in Mumbai, India:
78 were reported dead, and an unknown number are being held hostage. Heh! The presumptive Putz-in-Chief, the first Black President of these United States...the heir to Jimmy Carter's legacy.... Pffffffft!
The ol' jug ears has not been sworn in and the terrorists and pirates and skulking ner'do'wells are already swarming, like flies around a rotting carcass.
Hugo Chavez danced in the tropic breezes yesterday as a flotilla of Russian war ships docked in Venezuela.
Hamas and the old Palestinian Authority are making kissy-face, while bringing in more troops on the Israeli border.
While Barrack Hussein Obama blathers on about how he is going to create jobs and save our economy, all the while obfuscating any real "PLAN" in molasses sweet rhetoric.
The hyenas of the world are making ready. They are already testing his "cojones". There are slathering, poisonous filth out there, ready to lock and load and breech our borders.
The game is this:
Will they move too quickly, while GWBush is still in power? -AND- How will he react if they do?
Will they move in on multiple fronts, postitioning their various operatives already within our porous borders and wait till the Pretender takes his throne?
Will they be thwarted by infighting and their own fetid poisonous hate for one another?
- "Where is the next, unexpected terrorist or pirate strike likely to occur?"
It seemed inevitable, given the low key, Afro-Muslim, Somali Pirate activity taking place in the Gulf of Aden, with minor reprecussions from the Free World community.
I mused as the sweet Autumn aires whispered about, reminding me that this Winter will soon grip the high plains. Yeah, I know. These eastern African states are all kin to Kenya...Home of Barrack Hussein Obama's father's family.
Then, sadly, the whole thought fell away... While the Pretender to the Socialist Throne of the People's Republic of America named yet another group of Clintonistas to his team, it happened.
Then on the 26th of November, it happened:
Muslim terrorists have attacked Westerners in Mumbai, India:
78 were reported dead, and an unknown number are being held hostage. Heh! The presumptive Putz-in-Chief, the first Black President of these United States...the heir to Jimmy Carter's legacy.... Pffffffft!
The ol' jug ears has not been sworn in and the terrorists and pirates and skulking ner'do'wells are already swarming, like flies around a rotting carcass.
Hugo Chavez danced in the tropic breezes yesterday as a flotilla of Russian war ships docked in Venezuela.
Hamas and the old Palestinian Authority are making kissy-face, while bringing in more troops on the Israeli border.
While Barrack Hussein Obama blathers on about how he is going to create jobs and save our economy, all the while obfuscating any real "PLAN" in molasses sweet rhetoric.
The hyenas of the world are making ready. They are already testing his "cojones". There are slathering, poisonous filth out there, ready to lock and load and breech our borders.
The game is this:
Will they move too quickly, while GWBush is still in power? -AND- How will he react if they do?
Will they move in on multiple fronts, postitioning their various operatives already within our porous borders and wait till the Pretender takes his throne?
Will they be thwarted by infighting and their own fetid poisonous hate for one another?
God only knows..........And, it is in his great hands this whole mess belongs.
I believe that many good folks feel much the same way about an impending hit. It is not a matter of if, but more a matter of when.
May the good Lord help us!
In His hands indeed.
Should something like this occur as the nightmarish scenario as we witnessed in Mumbai, I am confident that it would be, shall we say, addressed differently?
One would hope that since we are currently to carry concealed, that someone would put a large calibre hole in these jackthugs before they are create such a scene.
Are there enough folk (read: militia) who could and therefore, would respond with deadly force?
That is the question.
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