I received a unidentified and quick response to my first post from someone called "Anonymous"... It was the well rehearsed hit and run that has the all of the latent fingerprints of a rabid, moon-bat socialist.
I did not post his/her/its response.
Allow me to be very clear:
- This BLOG is my creation, I own it.
- I choose to post who I am, my face and my location.
- I require the same from those who wish to respond. If you choose to be anonymous, you will receive the recognition of a post or response as one who has no voice....You will remain anonymous.
The person who responded did not make any effort to respond directly to the legal glove slapped in the face of the Junior Senator from Illinois. Instead, he or she or whatever took the tired and predictable elitist, leftist tack of NOT responding to DIRECT QUESTIONS. Instead, the person responded with direct attacks on the outgoing President, George W. Bush.
I am no fan of many of George Bush's policies. However, he led this nation and responded to the events of 11 September 2001 as a true Commander and Chief.
That being said... Mr./Mrs./Ms. or unidentified gender animal,vegetable or sentient mineral, chose that tack....which leave all of the questions about this manchild with no military service, no international political knowledge...UNANSWERED!
Mr. Obama is the product of the decadent and self-serving Daley/Chicago politico machine with deep, yet uncertain ties to the Clinton legacy. He has been raised up by George Soros and the far left wing of the Democrat Party and sustained by the dominant left wing media and brought to the penultimate position of power in these United States.
His choices for his transition team, his Executive Cabinet and his support personnel reflect this. Anyone with a functioning, reasoning frontal lobe and the ability to recall recent history will see this.
As for the attack on George W. Bush, Mr./Mrs./Ms./ Undefinded Genderperson......Fook YOU!
The House of Representatives and the Senate are the body that actually foment the Bills which allow monies to be allocated and spent.
What a sad and pathetic world in which we live,
Where fools and fanatics are caused to rule.
Someone obviously swallowed the MSM's offerings, hook, line and sinker!
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